Checking your Vinyl Deck in Spring

Checking your Vinyl Deck in Spring
Image of damaged deck surface

So spring has finally arrived, and as the days warm up you’re ready to start enjoying your vinyl deck, roof deck, or patio. But is it safe to do so? If you’re not sure, please take a bit of time to read this post and do a safety check.

Why Check Vinyl Decks in Spring?

After all, your deck just sits there all winter, doesn’t it? Actually, your vinyl deck works very hard holding itself up, as well as the weight of snow and rain. Not to mention issues like high wind and other winter weather. By the time spring comes your deck has been through a lot, so it’s important to make sure it can continue to be safe to use.

Start With Cleaning Your Vinyl Deck

You can’t enjoy a dirty deck, so start by cleaning up. It’s not hard – just sweep and hose! A soft bristle brush can help to loosen up and dirt, once you’re done you’ll be surprised just how easy it was, and then you can check your deck over.

Give it a Good Look

Checking whether your vinyl deck is still safe or not isn’t a huge or cumbersome task, you’ll just need your eyes and something sharp. Here’s where to look:

  1. Gutters: Securely attached and doing their job? Cleaned out?
  2. Flashing: Securely attached, not broken or bent?
  3. Caulking: Still in place, otherwise it needs to be redone. Check anywhere the vinyl meets another surface – house, door, railings, etc.
  4. Trim: Not loose or hanging?
  5. Slope: If water gets on deck, does it run off or stand?
  6. Stairs: Still stable, not loose or wobbly?
  7. Deck Boards: Do the still fell strong and straight?
  8. Joists and posts: Holding up well, no sign of damage or separation from deck?
  9. Ledger board: Still securely attached to deck/building? No loose screws, nails, or signs of water damage?
  10. Railings: All securely attached?

You can check your vinyl deck after a rainfall, as this will give you a good idea of how water is flowing and if it’s getting anywhere it shouldn’t.

While you’re at it, take your sharp instrument and poke the work around and underneath your deck. It shouldn’t be soft or splintery – this might be a sign of an insect problem or water damage.

If in Doubt, Get Help

An unsafe deck is no laughing matter. Leaving deck issues to become larger problems will not only cost more, it might lead to a disaster. If you don’t know how to fix an issue, find a qualified contractor who can.

After it’s all said and done, if you’re still not excited about using your vinyl deck this year it might be time for a new vinyl deck surface and railings – there’s nothing like a deck facelift to get you excited for summer!

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